Auto Post Feed to Facebook Page

Everyone, both successful and novice entrepreneurs, wants to work with the site as quickly and efficiently as possible. The automation of the process means the easy filling of the site with content and a quick informing the targeted audience about the appearance of new content.

We want to show you an easy way of auto Facebook posting in this article. This method is efficient because it quickly delivers information directly to the targeted audience.

Table of contents:

  • Why Should You Automate Facebook posts?
  • How to schedule Facebook posts
  • How to reschedule, edit, or delete posts on Facebook
  • How to schedule Facebook posts with Postoplan
  • FAQ
  • Can you automate Facebook posts?
  • How do you make an automatic post on Facebook?
  • What is auto posting?

Why Should You Automate Facebook posts?

Auto Facebook posting is the publication of a pre-prepared message on a social network at a specific time.
Taking advantage of the auto Facebook post features, you will get the following benefits:

      1. You will optimize your workflow. You won't have to publish every day. You can add posts once a week (or even once a month) and set everything up so that they come out on schedule on a specified date.

     2. You'll be able to follow the content plan. Having prepared the posts in advance, you won't have to puzzle over "I have nothing to post" or "I don't know what to write about". Plus, there will be less temptation to publish useless content at the moment.

     3. You can create a publishing schedule. If subscribers get used to the fact that posts come out clearly at the same time, it'll be easier to "hook" them on reading the blog.

     4. You won't forget anything. It is relevant if you have multiple accounts. SMM administrators can have 20 different profiles in their work. It is not easy to keep in mind what and when to publish on each of them. Plus, by adding several profiles to one service, you can work directly in this service. It means no more wasting time switching between accounts in the social networks.

And most importantly, you don't need to do work on vacation. Prepare future posts ahead of time, set their release time, and put your phone aside. It will allow you to relax without disappearing from the space of social networks.

How to schedule Facebook posts

Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to make auto-posts to Facebook:

     1. In the News Feed, which is on the left menu, click Pages. Go to your Page.

     2. Select Publishing Tools in the left column.

     3. Click Create Post at the top of the screen.

     4. Create a post.

     5. Click the dropdown icon and select Schedule Post.

     6. Select a posting date and time, click Schedule, then click Schedule Post.

That is it the auto Facebook posting procedure is complete. As you can see, everything is quite simple. According to the results of the study, the best time to post on Facebook is between 12-3 p.m. on weekdays and between 12-1 p.m on weekends.

How to reschedule, edit, or delete posts on Facebook

Do you need to edit or delete a post on Facebook? Here's a simple guide on how to do it:

     1. Click on the "Publishing Tools" button at the top of the page.

     2. Select the "Scheduled Posts" option. The button is in the left column.

     3. Select the post you want to edit.

     4. Сlick on the button with three dots in the window. Click on the "Edit" button to make changes to the post. You can also click on the dropdown button to change the post date or delete the post.

As you can see, it is easy enough. If you suddenly notice an error in a post or the information you provided is erroneous and is not accurate, you have an opportunity to make changes. It is another significant benefit of automatic Facebook posting.

You have an option to schedule an Instagram post via Facebook. But this feature is only available for Facebook business pages. You can't post from your personal Facebook profile on Instagram. Besides, the function is currently limited only to the desktop version. That is, you cannot post from Facebook to Instagram using the mobile app.

How to schedule Facebook posts with Postoplan

Postoplan is a global social media and messenger marketing platform. With its help, you can regularly and massively post content and communicate with clients in social networks "Google My Business" and instant messengers. The business model is made in the form of SaaS Freemium, like Slack or Trello.

Using Postoplan for automatic posting on Facebook allows you to:

     1. Not to worry about the status of a scheduled post or message. The system will notify you of the publication.

     2. To save time. You'll be able to properly organize the workflow, which allows you to free up time for business development.

     3. To automate the work. It's enough to come up with a post about a promotion that will take place on a specific day of the week.

     4. To create content quickly. The system already has ready-made examples and templates with which you can easily make scheduled publications.

Postoplan offers users a clear and straightforward interface, a large number of free features, and free accounts. It is convenient to use the service, and there are so many free functions that it will be more than enough for successful promotion on social networks. Postoplan is always on the user's side, so you won't need to overpay for various packages. Because some of their functions you won't even need.

How does Postoplan work?

First, there is freedom of action. As soon as you go to the main page, you'll see a table with a content plan. It is just an example, but you can use it to fill your own page.

Second, to make an automatic posting on Facebook, follow the suggested plan:

Select your page. Be sure to select all the necessary checkboxes in the form and click "OK".

Then you type in the appropriate window for posting.

You can select various post categories to maximize the involvement in the topic of the post.

To publish a scheduled post, select the specified category. Time is based on your time zone.

A handy tool for scheduling posts is the Content Plan tab. It's enough to click on the specified tab, after which you'll see all the posts relevant to the request.

To delete or change a post, go to the content plan panel, click on a scheduled post.

You can do any action you need in the appeared window.

In the Accounts tab, you can see which pages are already used, and you can additionally connect others. It is a convenient way to navigate between different pages without wasting time.

Using the Social inbox tab, you can easily communicate with the subscribers of your page, as well as view messages and comments statistics.

Postoplan is a convenient tool for making automatic Facebook posts and the simultaneous management of accounts on different social networks. Its benefits become evident from the first moments of use. If you are doing business on Facebook, you should use it. Go to the site, register, and get 7 days of a free trial. After that, you will have to pay, but the packages are very affordable.


Below you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions about automatic posting on Facebook.

Can you automate Facebook posts?

Yes, it is simple. You can do it either on the social network itself or using a special platform, for example, Postoplan.

How do you make an automatic post on Facebook?

To do this, click Pages and go to your Page in the news feed on the left menu. Select Publishing Tools in the left column. Click Create Post at the top of the screen.
Create a post, then click on the drop-down information icon and select Schedule Post. Select a posting date and time, click Schedule, then click Schedule Post.

What is auto posting?

Auto-posting is the publication of one content on several resources. Auto-posting is used to post publications on social networks and blogs simultaneously. It allows you to save time, comply with the terms of the content plan, speed up the indexing of articles by publishing announcements from the site on social networks building up the link mass to reach the target audience as much as possible.


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